Film Log

The Film Ledger Project, dedicated to making a database (with grades) for every film I’ve seen, began in 1995 and came to completion in 2006.  The genesis was a simple listing of films recently seen in an accounting ledger and would soon come to include a lengthy search (through books and memory) to compile the complete list.  Originally, this was to include capsule reviews, but at this point such an endeavor is nearly impossible.

Release years are from many different sources and may be wrong depending on whether you are thinking of original theatrical release, American theatrical release, year of Academy Awards consideration, or year of production.  Some grades are still incorrect because, well, some of them were entered into the database over a decade ago.

Below is an embedded version of the list, alphabetized by title. To access the ledger in HTML5, with the ability to dynamically sort and search the document, head over to Google Docs.